Master your Thesis 2.0 (by Academic Club)
Kilian Pößel, 10.06.2020 12:15
The Academic Club has one more event lined up for you.
If you thought that the real task was writing your Master Thesis, then you are in for a surprise! There are so many aspects of finding a Master Thesis that can go unnoticed - like finding an area of interest, choosing your courses and projects smartly, or the scope of the Thesis topic and how to coordinate between the university and the company if you get a thesis at a company.
The Academic Club is organising Master your Thesis 2.0 on June 19 from 3 to 5 pm, virtually for panel discussions on these crucial aspects.
Join us on Zoom along with our experienced panellists for an informative and interactive session.
Please register here to receive the meeting credentials:
Click on the link below to get more details of the event. See you there :)
Event Link :
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