
Re-registration 2021

Lydia Munick, 12.01.2021 11:22

⚠️ Re-registration for the summer semester 2021 ⚠️

➡️ This will take place between January 12, 2021 and February 8, 2021.
➡️ Re-registration will be provided via the myOVGU portal (https://myovgu.ovgu.de/).
➡️ The semester fee is 129,90€ (77,00€ 'Studentenwerk' fee; 41,40€ semester ticket; 11,50€ student body fee). If applicable, the amount increases if second tuition fees have to be paid.
➡️ For more information on re-registration, please visit https://www.ovgu.de/rueckmeldung.html

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