
Bachelor / Master


At FIN, you can study the following four bachelor's degree programs:

Here is the most important information about all Bachelor's degree programs at a glance:

Degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard period of study 7 semesters or 210 credits including work placement
Start of study winter semester or summer semester
Admission requirements University entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur)
Application modalities without admission restriction


At FIN, you can study the following six master's degree programs:

Here is the most important information about all Master's degree programs at a glance:

Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard period of study (INF, IngINF, WIF) 3 semesters or 90 credits
Standard period of study (DE, DKE, VC) 4 semesters or 120 credits
Start of study winter semester or summer semester
Application modalities see examination regulations §4