We're there for you! The "Fachschaftsrat der Fakultät für Informatik" (in short: FaRaFIN) are the elected student's representatives of the Faculty for Computer Science (FIN) at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Learn more about us!
Important stuff for freshmen:
General Information Precourses Introduction Week MentoringEmail-Purge
Admin Referat, 29.01.2025 19:08Hello,
on the 12.02.2025 all emails & acocunts of accounts at least 1GB of stale email storage will be purged.
Please save desired emails or contact the administrators for exclusion.
Sommerfest Helfersuche
Pascal Wissel, 20.07.2024 15:08Hey yah ihr Lieben,
wie ihr vielleicht schon gelesen habt wird dieses Jahr ein Sommerfest der FIN stattfinden. (09.08) Dafür benötigen wir aber eure Hilfe. Nicht im großen Maße, sondern z.B. für 2h an der Bar zum Austeilen von Getränken oder bei den verschiedenen Spielen die angeboten werden sollen.
Falls ihr also sowieso am Sommerfest dabei seid und noch uns unterstützen wollt (es gibt auch ein kleines Dankeschön am Ende) tragt euch gerne für eine Schicht ein: Helferschichten
Zusammenarbeit mit euren Freunden in einer Schicht werden wir natürlich auch beachten ^^
Vielen Dank an Alle die mitmachen.
- Euer FaRaFIN
Mentoring WiSe 24
Pascal Wissel, 16.07.2024 10:00AUFGEPASST ERSTIS RÜCKEN AN!
Du hattest richtig Spaß an und in deiner Ersti-Woche,
du willst neuen Erstis genau das gleiche Gefühl rüberbringen?!
Ja, dann werd MentorIN für die kommende WiSe-Ersti-Woche vom 7.10-11.10.
Meld dich unter:
mit dem Betreff: Mentoring WiSe 23/24 und schreibt euren Studiengang dazu! ^^
(P.S. mit Freunden ist es immer besser)
FDiBA Game Evening 2024
Pascal Wissel, 02.07.2024 01:22FDiBA meets FIN goes in the 2. Round!
Means there will be a Game Evening.
When? 08.07.24 - 7 p.m.
Where? G29-307
Snacks and Drinks will be provided by us.
There will be a Pizza Order again - so don't forget your money!
Happy Game Time!
Gremienwahlen 2024
Pascal Wissel, 23.06.2024 17:08Dear FIN students,
it's that time of year again at the university. You're wondering which one?
It's election time for the university's committees. Besides committees like the Senate and the student council, you can also vote for our own faculty student council and faculty council. This year we've 20 candidates. 19 of them for the faculty student council - you can vote for 7 of them. For the faculty council candidate 5 students where you can vote for 2 of them. And last but not least for the student council we have 2 candidates.
But how do you vote?
Simply go to and in the upper tab on the far right you will see "Online elections " click on it and then in the side tab on "Access to the election portal " and then you are ready to go. You can vote until 25.06 - 15:00. We would be delighted if you take the 5 min and leave your votes and improve the campus life.
- Your FaRaFIN
company game evening 03.06.24
Pascal Wissel, 30.05.2024 23:18Hey ya,
coming Monday (3.6) at 6 p.m. in 307 will be an other game evening. This game evening we have companies present that will introduce themselves during the evening, where you can talk to these companies and hopefully you like them so much that you apply or you are so convinced that these companies want you.
Otherwise it's just a game evening like always, get your friends, make new connections with other fellow students - start hating them (but only for the evening) etc. :D
Snacks and drinks will be provided as always - we'll also have a pizza order again, so bring cash if you want to order.
Wir suchen dich für die E-Woche!
Pascal Wissel, 20.09.2023 19:22Ihr Mögt Kaffee und wollt einen Gratis Gutschein für die KaffeeBar?
Dann helft uns bei der E-Woche!
Muss ich die ganze Woche dabei sein?
Nein, nicht mal einen kompletten Tag.
Was genau kann ich tun?
Hier findet ihr eine Liste mit den Posten, die wir suchen:
Auf der Seite findest du auch einen Link an welchem Tag was stattfindet.
Wo kann ich mich melden?
Wir haben dafür eine Telegram Gruppe erstellt und ihr könnt gerne auch erstmal nur für weitere Nachfragen reinkommen.
Wir sind für jede noch so kleine Unterstützung sehr dankbar. :blue_heart:
Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit, bye.
No Office Hours
Pascal Wissel, 16.07.2023 18:55The exam time has come!
First of all, we wish you all the best of luck for the upcoming exams - may you all pass them well!
Despite all this, we have to inform you that we do not offer fixed office hours during the lecture-free period. You can still contact us by email or check if one of us is in the office spontaneously - you can see this at best on our website! If you have more serious problems, there are always other places you can turn to besides us, such as the Hängematte, the PSB of the Studentenwerk and the StuRa's Nightline. These place will always listen to you and help you where they can!
- Your FaRaFin
Committee 23/24
Pascal Wissel, 12.07.2023 14:19That’s your FaRaFIN-committee for this legislature! From Left to Right:
- Yasmin, Spokeperson for Finances
- Olivia, Spokeperson for Internal Affairs
- Pascal, Spokeperson for Public Relations
We look forward to the legislature with all its wonderful tasks and challenges
- Your FaRaFIN
Gremienwahlen 2023
Pascal Wissel, 19.06.2023 09:21Dear FIN students,
it's that time of year again at the university. You're wondering which one? It's election time for the university's committees. Besides committees like the Senate and the StuRa, you can also vote for our own FaRa and decide who will be an Elected Member and who will be an Alternate Member. You can see the people who stood for this year's FaRa below.
But how do you vote?
Simply go to and in the upper tab on the far right you will see "Online elections " click on it and then in the side tab on "Access to the election portal " and then you are ready to go. You can still vote until 23.06 - 10:00.
We would be happy if you take the 5 min and leave votes. :D
- Your FaRaFIN