Studiengangsgespräch Computervisualistik 31.05.
Unknown, 30.05.2023 22:29Liebe CV-Studis,
bitte kommt morgen zum Studiengangsgespräch Computervisualistik (für Bachelor und Master)!
WANN? 13 Uhr (bis ca. 15 Uhr)
WO? Raum 301 in der FIN
Zoom: (Kenncode: 852298)
euer Feedback zu Studium und Lehre
Übergang vom Bachelor Computervisualistik zum Master Visual Computing
allgemeiner Studienverlauf
Überlegungen zu einer Studiengangsevaluation
Das ist eure Gelegenheit, Probleme und Verbesserungsvorschläge direkt mit den Studiengangsleitern und dem Qualitätsbeauftragten der FIN zu besprechen!
Neue Prüfungsordnung ab Wintersemester 23/24
Jan Tessarz, 05.04.2023 23:50Hier findet ihr die wichtigsten Änderungen der neuen Prüfungsordnung.
Office hours during the semester break
Tim Härtel, 02.02.2023 08:38Hello all,
During the lecture-free period there are no fixed office hours! You can
but you can always check if someone is in the office and come by (you can see this on our website) :)
Otherwise we are of course always reachable by mail or via Discord!
We wish you good luck for your exams!
Your FaRaFIN
No office hours on the 20th Dezember
Tim Härtel, 05.12.2022 16:37On 20.12.22 there will be no office hours!
However, we are still reachable by mail or via Discord :)
Many greetings,
Your FaRaFIN
Tim Härtel, 29.11.2022 14:38Today is game night again!
This time with dear guests from S4Campus, who sponsored us for tonight! :)
When: 29.11.22 - 6pm
Where: G29 - 307
333 Closed
Maurice Seidenberg, 21.11.2022 13:37Today (21. september) the room 333 will close until the 26. september.
The room will receive an overhaul (as in cleaning and some maintenance)
Remove desired items e.g. for studying from your locker please,
they will be inaccessible until saturday.
Instanziierungsfeier 2022
Tim Härtel, 03.10.2022 10:26Hello!
We welcome all new freshmen at the faculty and of course we want to celebrate.
For the first time since Corona, we invite you to our instantiation party!
Feel free to come and celebrate with us! ^-^
Program Introduction Week Winter Term 22/23
Tim Härtel, 03.10.2022 10:05
Monday, 3.Oktober |
Holiday |
Tuesday, 4. Oktober |
9 to 11 o'clock |
G26-H1 |
Welcome event of the Faculty of Computer Science for all first-year students of FIN by the Dean's office and by the student council and laboratory instruction (for Bachelor and Master) |
11 o'clock |
Front of G26-H1 |
Campus Rallye (more information will follow) |
18 o'clock |
G29 - 307 |
Game night |
Wednesday, 5. Oktober |
9 to 10 am |
G29 - 307 |
Introduction to Computer Systems in Engineering Bachelor |
Afterwards |
G29-301 |
Preparations of timetable Computer Systems in Engineering |
11 to 12:00 am |
G29 - 307 |
Introduction to Computer Science Bachelor |
afterwards |
INF-A: tba |
Preparations of timetable Computer Science |
Starting 11 pm |
G29-301 |
Introduction to Master Data and Knowledge Engineering |
12 am to 1 pm |
G29-335 or online: |
Introduction to Master Visual Computing |
Starting 2 pm |
Front of G29 |
City Rallye |
Starting 4 pm |
G29-307 |
Introduction to Master Digital Engineering |
Thursday, 6. Oktober |
9 to 10 am |
G29 - 307 |
Introduction to Computational Visualistics Bachelor |
afterwards |
G29 - 307 |
Preparations of timetable Computational Visualistics |
12 am to 1 pm |
G29 - 307 |
Introduction to Business Informatics Bachelor |
afterwards |
G29-307 |
Preparations of timetable Business Informatics |
3 to 4 pm |
G29 - 307 |
Master's introduction + Q&A (MA Computer Science, MA Computer Engineering, MA Business Informatics) |
Starting 6 pm |
G29 Outdoors |
Insta-Party |
Friday, 7. Oktober |
10 to 12 am |
G29-307 |
Ersti-Brunch |
Maintenance -- completed
Maurice Seidenberg, 27.09.2022 14:30Maintenance completed!
Tomorrow tuesday, the 27th September
Planned maintenance will be performed on our servers.
All services will be deactivated between 8 & 9 AM. The reactivation will be scheduled based on importance with a 10 minute gap between services. This should be done at 3 PM.
If you require any stopped service after 3 PM you manually have to request it per email!
Re: Power
Maurice Seidenberg, 26.09.2022 13:37Hi,
our servers are online and we can be contacted again.
However this is only temporary due to further planned maintenance & system modifications.
Unexpected short outages are possible.