
Re-registration 2021

Lydia Munick, 12.01.2021 11:22

⚠️ Re-registration for the summer semester 2021 ⚠️

➡️ This will take place between January 12, 2021 and February 8, 2021.
➡️ Re-registration will be provided via the myOVGU portal (https://myovgu.ovgu.de/).
➡️ The semester fee is 129,90€ (77,00€ 'Studentenwerk' fee; 41,40€ semester ticket; 11,50€ student body fee). If applicable, the amount increases if second tuition fees have to be paid.
➡️ For more information on re-registration, please visit https://www.ovgu.de/rueckmeldung.html

Information from the dean

Lydia Munic, 12.01.2021 11:21

Dear members of the FIN,

On behalf of the faculty management, I wish you a happy and healthy new year!

Unfortunately, we still have to deal with the effects of the Corona pandemic and as you could see from the Rector's email of January 08, 2021, our university will remain at level 4 of the stage plan until the end of January 2021. (After that, a new decision will be made and action will be taken according to the situation.) For us as a faculty, this means that, in order to avoid contacts, all teaching rooms such as seminar rooms, laboratories and also learning areas on the floor corridors will remain closed to all students and staff.

Building 29 also remains closed to the public and is only accessible to FIN employees by key or transponder. Students will still not have access to the building, even via chip (if access is required, please make personal contact with the student/staff in question).

Due to the closure of building 29 to the public, delivery services/parcel delivery companies and the like are still asked to either contact the respective orderers or to drop off deliveries at the OVGU post office. Appropriate arrangements have been made with the post office. This announcement is also visible via a notice on the outside doors.

Dear members of the FIN, we all hope that these strict measures will now lead to success and thus the COVID-19 incidence numbers can be significantly reduced. Thank you for your understanding and support!!!

There will be arrangements with the university management about the further procedure at the end of January 2021 and we will inform you then.

Until then, on behalf of the entire faculty management, I wish you to stay healthy!

Best regards
Prof. Dr. Hans-Knud Arndt
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Unterstützung der Admins gesucht

Lydia Munick, 06.01.2021 19:29

Hallo FINler,

der FaRaFIN bietet unterschiedliche Services an, zum Beispiel das Git, unsere Webseite oder auch die Mailverteiler.
Alle diese Services werden auf unserem Server gehosted und von unserem Adminteam betreut.

Die Admins suchen deine Unterstützung.

Aufgaben des Adminteams:
- Verwaltung unseres Linux-Servers
- Verwaltung unseres Bürorechners (Pop OS)
- Verwaltung verschiedener Services (laufen alle in Docker)
- Mailserver
- GitLab
- Mailman
- Processwire (farafin.de Website)
- Nextcloud

Falls Du Lust hast uns zu unterstützen, schreib uns einfach eine Mail an admin@farafin.de :)

Wir freuen uns, von Dir zu hören,
Phillipp von den FaRaFIN Admins

09th meeting of FaRaFIN

Lydia Munick, 02.01.2021 16:27

Hello people,

we invite you to the 09th meeting of the FaRaFIN 2020/21 on Thursday, 07.01.2021.

Time: 17:00
Location: Discord (https://discord.gg/EmnmkaQ) in the "meeting" channel

Please write in the text channel when you come and when you leave. We have to note this in the protocol.

At this meeting, the spokespersons and some appointees (including mentoring) will report and we will talk about the pre-courses for the summer semester. Just have a look at the agenda and feel invited ;-)

For some resolutions a simple majority is not enough, there must be a qualified 2/3 majority (i.e. at least 5 "for" votes). These resolutions are: 5.1 presourses for the summer semester
For some resolutions a simple majority is not enough, there must be a absolute majority. These resolutions are: 4.6 Appointee for german mentoring

We are looking forward to see you!

End of year 2020

Lydia Munick, 22.12.2020 16:25

Dear students,

this year has gone by pretty fast, don't you think? There were many ups and downs. Corona has been hard on all of us. But everyone tried to do their best and we all tried to pull on the same rope!

Our personal challenges and highlights in 2020? These were definitely:
→ the digital game nights
→ the conversion of the pre-courses and introductory week to online / hybrid
→ the FIN Christmas month "A 2020 Remote Adventure"

Of course, we also want to collect feedback from you! For this purpose, we would appreciate if you take 5-10 min and participate in our small survey about the FaRaFIN work: https://survey.farafin.de/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=269525&lang=en

Furthermore, the survey about online teaching in the current semester is still running: https://survey.farafin.de/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=191148&lang=de
Here, too, we depend on your feedback! This is the only way to improve things.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

Accessibility of FaRaFIN during Lockdown

Lydia Munick, 14.12.2020 14:36

Dear students,

we as FaRaFIN react to the current development in the Corona crisis.
In view of the decision of the federal government and the states over the weekend, we will no longer have any office hours from 16.12. and will therefore no longer be reachable by phone.
Nevertheless, we remain generally available for all inquiries and problems by mail or on our channels! We are also happy to make individual digital appointments in case of emergency.

On our Fara-Discord (https://discord.gg/SrrStqm2fa) you can write to us with general questions in the Consultationhour Channel with @farafin. For private questions and problems that require discretion, you can simply write to one of the FaRa members who is online.
We always try to answer as soon as possible (within 24 hours). Over the holidays it might take longer.

We hope that you will understand it! But this difficult time will pass.

Stay healthy and best regards,
your FaRaFIN

Enrollment in Master's programs

Lydia Munick, 26.11.2020 10:55

Current information on enrollment in the FIN master's degree programs in computer science, computer visualistics, engineering computer science, and business information systems

By decision of the Rectorate, the deadline for submitting Bachelor's transcripts for the current application period for the winter semester 2020/2021 has been extended to January 31, 2021.

Note from the faculty management!

Lydia Munick, 19.11.2020 11:01

The faculty management would like to take this opportunity to point out that the OVGU is in the 3rd phase of the

of the university's gradual plan for classifying the occurrence of infection and in particular the

mask obligation must be observed under all circumstances. Should this instruction not be observed, the faculty management reserves the right to take appropriate measures. *

Instructions on hygiene regulations

Lydia Munick, 18.11.2020 08:01

Dear students,

We would like to point out that you all adhere to the hygiene regulations. Therefore we list the main points here again:

→ Sufficient hand washing!
→ If possible / available use disinfection!
→ Wear the mouth-AND-nose masks on campus, in buildings and at the learning places!
→ Keep a sufficient distance of 1.5 m!
→ No group formation on campus and in learning rooms, laboratories, seminar rooms or other learning places!
→ Maximum 4 persons per learning room, laboratory, seminar room or other learning places!
→ Only place at designated learning places! Do not sit at taped places!
→ Please pay attention to the instructions in the rooms!
→ Always log in and out using the QR codes in the rooms!
→ Food is not allowed in laboratories! In other learning rooms only if all those present do not feel bothered by the smell!
→ Smoking (even of e-cigarettes!) is not allowed / unwanted in all rooms of the building!
→ Only an office space, where the same person is sitting, is a workplace!
→ If you have Corona, please contact corona@ovgu.de with all visited presence LV of the last weeks, all visited learning rooms and work places!
→ For the latest information from the university please check https://www.ovgu.de/corona.html !

Respect each other and protect each other!

If a person does not adhere to the regulations despite the information, even if you point this out to the person, then please contact the FaRaFIN or the ISD (0391 67 54444) immediately!

Design for Merchandise

Lydia Munick, 16.11.2020 13:40

Dear people,

your design skills are in demand!
We want to produce sweaters/jackets and new small pillows in FIN style. But for this we need your help!

Send us your designs or ideas as text or sketch in FIN style to post@farafin.de until 30.11.2020.
We will then let you vote on the designs you send in. The person(s) with the best design will win a sweater/jacket or a pillow in this design.

Entries please only until 30.11.2020 at 23:59 o'clock.

Best regards
your FaRaFIN