
Information event "Opportunities for study and internships abroad".

Lydia Munick, 27.10.2020 12:55

Dear students,

here we have an info about an event for you:

Opportunities for study and internships abroad
Digital information event for FIN students
on 04.11.2020 (Wednesday), at 15.15 hrs.
with Anne Schulze, OVGU study abroad advisor for students in the ERASMUS program

Meeting ID: 941 0438 9528
Identifier code: 937615

Dealing with QR codes

Lydia Munick, 26.10.2020 09:18

Liebe FIN-Welt,

das Rektorat hat nun auch eine Anleitung für den Umgang mit den QR-Codes herausgegeben (siehe Anhang).

In einigen Labor- und Besprechungsräumen fehlen die QR-Codes noch. Es wird aber versucht diese bis morgen überall zu platzieren.
Als Alternative gibt es das Kontaktformular. Die ausgefüllten Formulare sollten dann einfach an den Lehrenden bzw. an die Sekretariate gehen.
Um den weiteren Weg Richtung Rektorat wird sich gekümmert.

Cancellation of lecture "Introduction to the University"

Lydia Munick, 22.10.2020 11:38

Dear freshmen,

after consultation with the university and the lecturers we unfortunately have to inform you that the

lecture "introduction to the university by the student council" at 2 p.m. today

has to be cancelled for the protection of all students.
With the mass of registrations, we cannot provide sufficient protection for all, despite several rooms.

Instead, the lecture will be recorded for you and made available on Saturday at the latest.

You can already find the slides online at https://erstsemester.farafin.de/online-angebot-der-einf%C3%BChrungswoche.

Best wishes and stay healthy!

Your Orga-Team and FaRaFIN

Hackathon Urlaub 4.0 am Lehrstuhl SWE

Lydia Munick, 11.10.2020 19:52

Liebe Studis,

wir haben hier Informationen über einen Hackathon für euch der u.a. vom Lehrstuhl Software Engineering organisiert wird.
Falls ihr im November ein Wochenende frei habt, dann schaut doch mal, ob das was für euch ist.

Hackathon Urlaub 4.0

Tourismus in Coronazeiten ist nicht möglich? Zeigt das Gegenteil und nehmt einzeln oder als Team am Hackathon Urlaub 4.0 teil.

Zusammen mit der CurrentSystem 23 GmbH und dem Tourismusverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. sucht der Lehrstuhl Software Engineering am Samstag, den 21.11.2020 nach innovativen und kreativen Lösungen, um dem Tourismus im Land mit digitalen Hilfsmitteln wieder einen Aufwind zu verschaffen. Und das Beste: Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und je nach Wunsch vor Ort im Hörsaal der Fakultät für Informatik (Gebäude 29 – Raum 307) oder virtuell vom heimischen Wohnzimmer aus möglich.

Meldet euch bis zum 14.11.2020 beim Hackathon unter https://www.vernetzt-wachsen.de/hackathon-urlaub40/ an. Weitere Informationen findet ihr auch im beigefügten Flyer.

Podcast about student life in Magdeburg

Lydia Munick, 05.10.2020 15:35

Hi people,

today we have a special thing for you. One of our FIN-students (Anirban) has a little (english) Podcast about student life in Magdeburg and we want to support him a little bit. So here are some facts he gave us:

About the Podcasts:

It is a series of interviews conducted with current students of M.Sc. Digital Engineering and Data and Knowledge Engineering. The discussion topic is HiWi job or student job in a software company in and around Magdeburg. There are over 15 episodes. 4 episodes are uploaded. New episodes come every Thursday and Sunday.

What is the problem that I want to address?

Many international aspirants connect to me, via my blog and also, over social media. There is very little awareness/information about student experiences doing jobs in Magdeburg, on the internet. Among the new incoming students, there is also a lack of awareness and/or clarity.

Content of the podcasts:

In the interview, I have enquired primarily about where the student is working and what s/he is working on, how s/he got to know about the job, what differences in work/study culture they see in Germany when compared to their home country, and how important is the German language in their work life.

Expected assistance to the listener:

I believe if a student listens to the episodes, s/he would get to know a variety of jobs that exist, opportunities that exist, different ways the guest got the information about the job and how they can expect their work culture to be, should they decide to apply for a job. Their awareness should be slightly more. They could also reach out to the guests for further guidance.

Here are the links, where you can find his Podcast:

Google Podcasts: http://bit.ly/as_podcast_google

Spotify: http://bit.ly/as_podcast_spotify

Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/as_podcast_apple

You can find all the episodes listed on his blog:


Enjoy listening!

Introductory week of the FIN

Lydia Munick, 22.09.2020 20:19

Dear students,

Not long until the new freshmen arrive and the introduction week begins. We have a little call for helpers and information about evening events for you!

Call for helpers
For the introduction week we need a few helping hands, because it will actually take place mostly in presence.
If you want to help, please sign up with your first and last name in our helper doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/gq5kg4xuvmfrxvfp . These are not(!) strenuous or time-consuming tasks either. We need about 3-5 people for each slot.

We will post the helpers 1 week before (12.10.) via the same channels as this message.

Info about evening events
During the introductory week there will also be a couple of evening events open to all FIN'ers, which we would like to briefly advertise here.
On Tuesday, 20.10., there will be the club info evening. Registration is required for this event. You can find more information here: https://farafin.de/fin-vereinsvorstellungsabend
On Thursday, 22.10., there will be a Crypto-Party. Registration is required for this event as well. You can find more information here: https://farafin.de/cryptoparty
And on Friday there will be a digital game night. More information will follow in the next weeks on our channels!

If you don't want to miss any information, please follow us on our channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/farafinMD/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farafin_md/

Telegram: https://t.me/farafin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_farafin_

Kind regards,

New Legislation - New People

Lydia Munick, 07.09.2020 11:08

smiley Your new student council smiley

Speaker positions:

Finances: Janine Zöllner
Internal affairs: Tim Härtel
Public relations: Lydia Munick


2nd signatory: Tom Messerschmidt
Auditors: Lars Wagner, Moritz Marquardt
Archive auditors: Supreetha Anand, Christian Klie
Mentoring: Benny Heine
Study and teaching: Marie Bofferding
Faculty Assignment: Janine Zöllner, Jonas Hielscher
Contact persons MKM: Lydia Munick, Moritz Marquardt
Student Organizations: Lars Wagner, Janine Zöllner
Internationals: (not yet filled)
Admins: Dominik Weitz, Moritz Marquardt, Manuel Liebchen, Agostino Moosdorf, Phillipp Engelke
Public workstations and labs: Tom Messerschmidt, Tim Härtel

Commissions and Committees:

Study commission: Tim Härtel, Marie Bofferding
Examination Committee: Dominik Weitz, Anne Porath
Press Commission: Moritz Marquardt
equipment commission: Kilian Pößel
international study commission: (not yet filled)


Pre-course department: Lydia Munick
cultural department: Christian Lucht
game night committee: Tim Härtel, Lydia Munick, Christian Lucht
Awareness department: (not yet filled)

Committee Elections 2020

Lydia Munick, 24.06.2020 14:05

Dear students,

it's almost time! In less than 2 weeks the committee elections will finally start (06. - 15. July 2020).

Committee elections ... What does that mean? Who will elect what and who? Who are the candidates?
These and possibly other questions will surely occupy you. And for that we have put together the most important information for you on our website: https://farafin.de/gremienwahlen
There is also a lot of information on the university website: https://www.ovgu.de/wahlen.html
In addition, the StuRa page will soon be available, on which, in addition to the faculty student councils, the candidates of the student council (StuRa) and the Senate will be presented: https://wahlen.stura-md.de/de/ (will be online soon)

In the attachment you will find 2 posters - one with all important information and one with all candidates for the faculty student council (FaRaFIN) and the faculty council (FakRa).

At this point we would like to ask you to vote! Every vote is important and the higher the turnout, the more meaningful the election results are. We are your representatives and will stand up for you, but we need each and every one of you at the elections!

Since the elections are even held online (in the LSF), you won't even have to leave the house ;-) And the whole thing only takes a few minutes.

Thanks for your support in advance! ♥

Your FaRaFIN

New Regulationc concerning Exams in times of pandemics

Dominik Weitz, 11.06.2020 18:35

Hey folks,

some of you wrote to the examination board in connection to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Acting on those requests, the following regulations have been made:

  1. The summer semester 2020 does not count towards the 15 month deadline to repeat failed exams. To be precise: The days from April 1st, 2020 to September 30th 2020 will not be counted.
  2. There have been several requests concerning the possibility to participate in written exams online, without having to be physically present in Magdeburg (be it for health concerns or for travel restrictions). Unfortunately, this will not be possible due to both legal and organizational reasons. Physical presence will therefore be required to participate in written exams.

Exceptionally this semester, if you are absent from an exam for whatever reason, this will be counted as a withdrawal from the exam, meaning that this exam attempt will then not be counted. There is no need to provide any justification for this.


Dominik Weitz
student member of the examination board

Master your Thesis 2.0 (by Academic Club)

Kilian Pößel, 10.06.2020 12:15

The Academic Club has one more event lined up for you.

If you thought that the real task was writing your Master Thesis, then you are in for a surprise! There are so many aspects of finding a Master Thesis that can go unnoticed - like finding an area of interest, choosing your courses and projects smartly, or the scope of the Thesis topic and how to coordinate between the university and the company if you get a thesis at a company.

The Academic Club is organising Master your Thesis 2.0 on June 19 from 3 to 5 pm, virtually for panel discussions on these crucial aspects.

Join us on Zoom along with our experienced panellists for an informative and interactive session.
Please register here to receive the meeting credentials: https://ovgu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkf-qppjMvGtfO9yLqq8hxcKnBd7ntZDl4

Click on the link below to get more details of the event. See you there :)

Event Link : https://bit.ly/masteryourthesis2