Game night in march
Unknown, 08.03.2021 13:02Dear students,
also in March there will be a game night again on Discord ( On Friday 12.03. from 19 clock , it's time! At this game night there is also something to win!
At this game night you can win Steam vouchers. Yes you heard right! We have two companies that introduces themselves very briefly and with which you can chat during the evening, for example about jobs. This is an offer and not a must. This companies also sponsors a and a Stadt-Land-Fluss tournament. The first 3 places of each tournament can win Steam vouchers!
About the schedule of the evening:
At 19:10 there will be, as always, a small welcome in the voice channel "Ankündigungsplatz-Announcements".
At 19:30 there will be the tournament in the voice channel " 1".
At 19:30 there will be the tournament in the voice channel "Stadt-Land-Fluss".
But the evening will be as usual. You can play all games with your friends! Maybe you will meet new people and play together with them :)
Let's be a little less lonely together.
We are looking forward to you!
Report Evaluation Online Teaching
Unknown, 02.03.2021 15:51Dear FIN people,
you have diligently participated in the survey on online teaching - both students and teachers.
Marie and Tim have summarized the results and made them available to you here. Please have a look at the attachment if you are interested.
By the way, there are also suggestions from the teachers to the students.
Lending of webcams for exams
Unknown, 12.02.2021 13:07Dear students,
FaRaFIN has purchased 10 camera-microphone-equipments to provide you with for your proctored online exams.
From Monday (15.02.2021) you can borrow them! To do so, simply email us at from your university email. As subject you simply use "Borrowing a webcam for the exam", so that we have a better overview. The following data are important for us and should be in your mail:
-> Date of the exam
-> Suggested date for pickup and return
There are also a few rules that have to be followed! You can take these from the document in the attachment.
Additional notes:
-> We take care of the disinfection between the borrowings.
-> When returning the equipment, we briefly test its function.
We wish you good luck for your exams and stay healthy!
Corona and Exams
Lydia Munick, 04.02.2021 16:21Dear students,
we have prepared a small overview of important websites regarding information about Corona and the exam period:
Examination Plans:
Alternative Exams: (Note: Boxes below are clickable)
Informations about Corona:
Gradual Plan of the University:
FAQ for international students:
Stay well and healthy!
FINde dein Praktikum
Lydia Munick, 03.02.2021 12:26Liebe Studis,
ihr sucht noch nach einem Bachelor-Praktikum? Das MKM hat uns da was vorbereitet!
FINde dein Praktikum in der IT Branche in Magdeburg
Wann? 17.02. von 13:00-13.30 Uhr
Praktika helfen bei der Berufsorientierung und machen sich gut im Lebenslauf.
Im Termin stellen sich ZEHN Unternehmen aus der Region mit freien Praktikaplätzen ab März vor.
Ihr habt noch keinen Platz für euer Praktikum? Dann lernt im Termin unkompliziert die Unternehmen kennen und besprecht mit den Ansprechpartnern die nächsten Schritte.
Das Event findet in Zoom in deutscher Sprache statt. Die Zugangsdaten werden allen angemeldeten Teilnehmern in Moodle einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung mitgeteilt.
Wir wünschen euch viel Erfolg beim Finden eures Praktikums!
Infos zur Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten
Lydia Munick, 01.02.2021 18:03Studierende haben zurzeit folgende Möglichkeit zur Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten:
- als Vorab-Sendung der elektronischen Version per E-Mail an das Prüfungsamt (, allerdings mit der gesondert geschickten und unterschriebenen Eigenständigkeitserklärung als Scan.
Die beiden Druckexemplare sind trotzdem noch erforderlich, können aber zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt abgegeben werden. Zeugnisse werden erst ausgehändigt, wenn diese Druckversionen nachgereicht worden sind.
Wenn ein Copy-Shop gefunden worden ist und die Arbeit in gedruckter Form (Achtung, die unterschriebene Eigenständigkeitserklärung muss eingebunden sein) abgegeben werden kann, sind folgende Möglichkeiten vorhanden:
- die Arbeiten in einem großen, mit der Adresse "Fakultät für Informatik, Prüfungsamt" beschrifteten Umschlag in den großen roten Briefkasten bei Gebäude 9 einwerfen
- die Sendung per Postpaket. Das Absendedatum muss erkennbar sein, dies wird dann als Abgabedatum vermerkt. Die Adresse ist
Fakultät für Informatik
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Das Prüfungsamt hat die Infos auch auf ihrer Seite unter Lehrbetrieb und Prüfungen.
Welcome on our new homepage!
Moritz Marquardt, 01.02.2021 15:51Welcome to the new website of your student council!
We hope you find your way around & can find all the information even easier than before. If you miss something, please contact the web task force at
Information for the examination period
Lydia Munick, 20.01.2021 18:06Dear students,
there is new information about the examination period and especially about the examination forms in WiSe 20/21.
On the university website (* you can read the informations.
*Note: The boxes can be ticked.
Possible are currently:
- Oral presence examination (individual examination)
- Classical homework or seminar papers
- Electronic oral exam
- Electronic written examination (unsupervised; referred to as "schriftliche Ausarbeitungen" in the General Regulations).
Electronic exams (with video supervision) will also still be possible according to the Ministry's regulation for distance exams, which is expected to be valid from February 2021.
We will of course keep you informed as soon as possible!
Regulations for examinations of the WiSe 20-21
Lydia Munick, 15.01.2021 17:57Dear representatives of the StuRa, dear student representatives of the University of Magdeburg,
as agreed, today you will receive initial information on the implementation of examinations in the winter semester 20/21.
Basically, all students will be offered exams.
The basic arrangements that have been made in consultation with the deans and deans of studies are as follows:
- The planned presence examinations until 15.03.2021 will be replaced by an alternative form of examination.
- Depending on the pandemic situation, presence examinations may be held after 15.03.21. If necessary, it is possible that smaller presence examinations will already be held in the week before 15.03.21 under strict hygiene regulations. This will be discussed with the faculties in mid-February.
- In order to provide for equalization, written examinations can take place in the non-examination period and the examination period will be extended until 09.04.21.
- Oral exams in attendance may take place throughout the period.
Next Monday, January 18, 2021, more necessary information, dates, contact persons and modalities will be published online at Students of the degree programme in Human Medicine shall observe the regulations that apply separately to them.All the best,
Jens Strackeljan & Susanne Schmidt
Information on written examinations in the winter semester 2020/2021
Lydia Munick, 15.01.2021 13:34Dear students,
Below we have some information for you regarding the exam season.
However, we would like to emphasise that this is not final information! The official final information will hopefully be sent to your university mail via the student distribution list by Tuesday! So make sure you check it regularly.
If you already have questions about your exams for certain courses, please contact the lecturers!
Dear FIN students,
as promised at the meeting of the Faculty Council on 13.01.2021, the following is the information provided by the FIN Dean of Studies, Prof. Günes, on the OVGU's discussion to date on written examinations in the winter semester 2020/21. If new information on this is available, we will forward it to you immediately.
The essence of the meeting of the Senate Study Commission on 14.01.2021, without being able to answer all questions, is as follows:
- No written face-to-face examinations (written exams) until 15.03.21.
- Alternative online forms of examination are possible
- Oral face-to-face examinations are possible
- Oral online examinations are possible
- Written paper == Examination without supervision
- Type and method of examination must be announced 2 weeks in advance
- A Moodle course will be started where questions about the exams will be discussed and shared
- There will be a written explanation from the Rectorate early next week"